
Hello! I am Yawavi

Data Analyst with background in Economics and skills in Excel, Python, SQL, Tableau, Machine Learning. Earned a certificate in Data Analytics from Georgia Tech’s data analytics boot camp.. Curious, determined and detail-oriented, I can accurately find hidden trends in large sizes of Data. I also enjoy collecting, cleaning and visualizing data with Tableau or with some libraries in Python. My final team project was about Housing price prediction in Melbourne, Australia. Python, HTML, CSS, Flask, PostgreSQL and Supervised Machine learning methods were used to address the problem. Problem solving skills and my ability to collaborate with others make me a valuable addition to any team.

Professional Skills
Python | Pandas | Numpy| SQL | Matplotlib | Seaborn | Sqlalchemy
Scikit-Learn | Supervised | Unsupervised Learning
Excel | VBA
Web Scraping(BeautifulSoup) | APIs (RESTful)
Hadoop| Spark
Postgres | MongoDB
HTML | CSS | Bootstrap
Tableau | Dashboards
JavaScript | D3.js
  • Python
  • Tableau
  • Postgres
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript


Data Science and Analytics Boot Camp
Georgia Institute Of Technology, Atlanta, GA, US

Advanced Excel, Fundamental Statistics, Python Programming, API Interactions, Data Mining, Web scraping, Databases - Postgres, MongoDB, Front-End Web Visualization - HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Dashboarding, JavaScript, D3.js, Geomapping with Leaflet.js, Business Intelligence Software - Tableau, Big Data Analytics with Hadoop, Machine Learning, Deep Learning


Master's Degree
Master of Science (MS), Project Management
University of Havre, Havre, France


Master's Degree
Master of Science (MS), Health Economics and International Development
University of Clermont Auvergne , Clermont-Ferrand, France
Kickstarter campaigns

Over $2 billion has been raised using the massively successful crowdfunding service, Kickstarter, but not every project has found success. Of the more than 300,000 projects launched on Kickstarter, only a third have made it through the funding process with a positive outcome. Getting funded on Kickstarter requires meeting or exceeding the project's initial goal, so many organizations spend months looking through past projects in an attempt to discover some trick for finding success. Analyzing a database of 4,000 past projects in order to uncover any hidden trends.

Technologies Used:

Excel : pivot tables |lookups | conditional formatting |scatter plots & trend lines | regression creation & moving averages calculations for analysis.

Employers details

Created a table schema for each of the six CSV files with primary keys, foreign keys, and other constraints in postgresql. Retreiving employees information such as salary, name, department using sql query syntax

Technologies Used:

Python |NumPy | Pandas | Matplotlib |postgresql

Supervised Machine Learning

Predicted credit risk of given loans. Performed data exploration, data cleaning, and data merging. Implemented supervised machine learning models such as Logistic Regression and Random Forest classifier in order to choose the best model. Random forest classifier was the was best model

Technologies Used:

Python | Pandas | Logistic Regression | Random Forest classifier

Belly button Diversity

Build an interactive dashboard exploring and analyzing the microbes that colonize human navels by using Javascript, Plotly and D3. The dashboard dynamically populates based on test subject ID selected.

Technologies Used:

Javascript| D3 | Plotly | JSON | HTML | Bootstrap| CSS

City bike

Developed an ETL process by concatenation several csv file and cleaning. The purpose of this project was to visualize city bike data in order to do storytelling depending on the type of customer, season(creating group of season), gender, age (creating group of age), starting station and and ending stations,etc.Filtering, some functions and Maps

Technologies Used:

jupyter lab | Pandas | Tableau |

  • Data Science and Analytics Boot Camp, Georgia Institute of Technology
  • Certified Excel Skills for Business: Essentials, from coursera
  • Certified Excel Skills for Business: Intermediate I coursera
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